Fun Activities

Creating Your Own Lenape Name

The names of the Lenape Indians were unique and commonly shared among their people to reflect the spiritual relationship that they had with nature. Students can use real Lenape names from this website to choose a name that reflects their own personality and characteristics. They can then do activities with these names.

Creating a Three Sisters Garden

Native peoples from different parts of North American have used a wide range of agricultural techniques. Perhaps the best known is the interplanting of corn, beans, and squash together - a trio often referred to as "the three sisters". Cultivating these companions in your school garden, a small patch near the building, a barrel, or even indoors, can inspire studies of Native American customs, nutrition, and folklore. As students dig in, investigations of plant growth and relationships will also flourish.

American Indian Leather Paintings

This website details a lesson plan in which students use paper bags to create stories that resemble old Indian leather paintings.The students must think about what life was like in an Indian tribe and how they communicated their stories on to their children.The students can tell a story about their life or make a story related to Indians. The project is fun and hands on. It takes two days to complete.